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Latest Message: 19 hours, 53 minutes ago
  • blackdeath : Forum ist futsch
  • GayPower : jup
  • GayPower : bleibt auch erst einmal so
  • blackdeath : wurde ja eh nicht so genutzt
  • GayPower : Ja das auch! Und ich glaube die Cache bzw Login Probleme kommen vom Forum her!
  • TastyBoysPro : Hi dear GayPower, I found a big issue in film's files, I am gonna open a forum topic :7
  • TastyBoysPro : i just read the older messages and I just saw the forum is gone
  • TastyBoysPro : Ok, I am gonna expose the problem here.
  • TastyBoysPro : The compressed archiver files are bigger than the files inside, i mean rars are bigger than mp4/mkv. idk why, but it's an important difference (~12%), that means 1,44 of disk space lost if the rar files are 12GiB weight
  • TastyBoysPro : here we can see original files compressed (they are Double Helix by, but for bigger files, it is worst). they're 3,9 GiB
  • TastyBoysPro : Since opening that (original) files, the archiver shows 3,7GiB size . that's the right size, that's the video size.
  • TastyBoysPro : Media uses a special compression, i know, so I decided to recompress them to see if are there problems with compression or what is happening? I found why this behaviour? no, but I found this interesting thing
  • blackdeath : the rar-archives comes with a repair information, so if you download a broken archive, you could repair the file with winrar
  • TastyBoysPro : Recompressed I recovered the lost space, the ouput was an archiver filed with the video weight, 3,7 GiB instead 3,9.
  • blackdeath : open winrar, select an archive and click on information, there you will see that the archive has the repair info
  • TastyBoysPro : I checked all other film's files and they are with the same issue. I think I am gonna recompress everything, because my collection is 10TiB and if 10TiB=10240, so 10240*12% = 1228.8GiB Lost.
  • TastyBoysPro : @blackdeath my os has no winrar, I am doing this using file-roller with the authentic (rarlab) rar command line backend, but the true issue here is the space lost online
  • TastyBoysPro : this must help Gaypower to save space in online accounts, and, also is not normal having bigger compressed files than originals.
  • TastyBoysPro : Also, a suggestion here, is, why not switch to 7z? it is really good, and has a better compression being multiplatform and has encryption, multivolume and all rar has
  • blackdeath : btw thx GP 4 Gage-O-Rama movies
  • Tweety : blackdeath are right! the rar files have 5% repair infos included!
  • Tweety : that's why the complete raw Volume are bigger than the video file
  • blackdeath : bei Big Dicks & Huge Facials 1+2 ist jeweils scene 1 und 4 gleich
  • blackdeath : und , da sieht man es auch unten bei den Szenebildern
  • GayPower : Ja das ist aber kein Fehler von mir! Die sind so gemacht! Hab die so wie sie sind dort runtergeladen!
  • blackdeath : war nicht so gemeint, Szenenbilder auf der empire Seite und nicht hier
  • GayPower : Ja keine Ahnung was da bei denen schiefgelaufen ist! Ich vermute mal beim zusammenschneiden hat jemand nicht aufgepasst
  • GayPower : Ok bei denen ist definitiv was schiefgelaufen! bei aebn sind die Szenen anders
  • blackdeath : Zweitverwertung von Szenen machen andere Studios ja auch, aber es in einer Serie zu machen ist schon seltsam
  • GayPower : Ja da geb ich dir Recht
  • Jody : Could somebody repost the files to UseNet for Joey's Surf Vacation. Most of the rar files are incomplete, and there are not enough pars.
  • GayPower : @Jody fixed now
  • Jody : Thank you!
  • xcock75x : Links for Family Dick 10-14 not working 🙁
  • xcock75x : And The Slutty Professor please reapload 🙂
  • TastyBoysPro : @Tweety, I (finally) understood, thank you c:
  • TastyBoysPro : @gaypower I have a question for you. How do you organise and store the films? have you got a database? an excel? my database is too big now and idk how to scale this lol
  • blackdeath : not GP but
  • blackdeath : "Virtual Volume View" Win,Linux, Mac
  • blackdeath : you could you different external usb harddrives and add them to one database
  • TastyBoysPro : @blackdeath thank you, I have already checked. how big is your collection? I have right now a LibreOffice Writer document with tables with the data lol
  • TastyBoysPro : my problem is not the organisation in my storage, my problem is a database index-like, like an inventory lol
  • blackdeath : i use 3 usb hard drives, all in one database file of vvv
  • blackdeath : vvv has a simple search function, so i do not need to connect the drives to the computer, if i want check a movie
  • mupfu : Please fix
  • TastyBoysPro : @blackdeath have you ever tried/watched Stash?
  • TastyBoysPro : it's open source
  • GayPower : @TastyBoyPro I have it listed in excel and online the most in the Cloud !
  • blackdeath : @Tasty no sorry, do not try stash, it looks more than a media center like kodi or plex, but i only want a little database to search easy my movies

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